CPU Tests: Microbenchmarks

Core-to-Core Latency

As the core count of modern CPUs is growing, we are reaching a time when the time to access each core from a different core is no longer a constant. Even before the advent of heterogeneous SoC designs, processors built on large rings or meshes can have different latencies to access the nearest core compared to the furthest core. This rings true especially in multi-socket server environments.

But modern CPUs, even desktop and consumer CPUs, can have variable access latency to get to another core. For example, in the first generation Threadripper CPUs, we had four chips on the package, each with 8 threads, and each with a different core-to-core latency depending on if it was on-die or off-die. This gets more complex with products like Lakefield, which has two different communication buses depending on which core is talking to which.

If you are a regular reader of AnandTech’s CPU reviews, you will recognize our Core-to-Core latency test. It’s a great way to show exactly how groups of cores are laid out on the silicon. This is a custom in-house test built by Andrei, and we know there are competing tests out there, but we feel ours is the most accurate to how quick an access between two cores can happen.

All three CPUs exhibit the same behaviour - one core seems to be given high priority, while the rest are not.

Frequency Ramping

Both AMD and Intel over the past few years have introduced features to their processors that speed up the time from when a CPU moves from idle into a high powered state. The effect of this means that users can get peak performance quicker, but the biggest knock-on effect for this is with battery life in mobile devices, especially if a system can turbo up quick and turbo down quick, ensuring that it stays in the lowest and most efficient power state for as long as possible.

Intel’s technology is called SpeedShift, although SpeedShift was not enabled until Skylake.

One of the issues though with this technology is that sometimes the adjustments in frequency can be so fast, software cannot detect them. If the frequency is changing on the order of microseconds, but your software is only probing frequency in milliseconds (or seconds), then quick changes will be missed. Not only that, as an observer probing the frequency, you could be affecting the actual turbo performance. When the CPU is changing frequency, it essentially has to pause all compute while it aligns the frequency rate of the whole core.

We wrote an extensive review analysis piece on this, called ‘Reaching for Turbo: Aligning Perception with AMD’s Frequency Metrics’, due to an issue where users were not observing the peak turbo speeds for AMD’s processors.

We got around the issue by making the frequency probing the workload causing the turbo. The software is able to detect frequency adjustments on a microsecond scale, so we can see how well a system can get to those boost frequencies. Our Frequency Ramp tool has already been in use in a number of reviews.

From an idle frequency of 800 MHz, It takes ~16 ms for Intel to boost to the top frequency for both the i9 and the i5. The i7 was most of the way there, but took an addition 10 ms or so. 

Power Consumption: Caution on Core i9 CPU Tests: Office and Science
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  • vanish1 - Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - link

    Best thing about Intel CPUs is you dont need a dGPU to make them work nor only limit your selection to APUs from AMD.

    If youre building a computer right now and you dont already have a GPU then there is zero value in any AMD CPU currently.
  • BushLin - Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - link

    So it's the only option for someone who builds their own gaming PCs but doesn't have a GPU from the last ~6 years to offer better than crappy dGPU performance...
  • vanish1 - Tuesday, March 30, 2021 - link

    ^No idea what youre trying to say
  • 29a - Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - link

    He's trying to say if you've got a 6 year old dGPU it will outperform Intel's iGPU.
  • BushLin - Wednesday, March 31, 2021 - link

    Thanks for that, yes, well deduced. Can't fix typos, substitute dGPU for iGPU and hopefully makes sense.
    Also, I'd rather pay over the odds for an old, bottom tier RX 550 than game on a poor iGPU and that's from someone who only buys Nvidia.
  • vanish1 - Thursday, April 1, 2021 - link

    Right that makes sense (sarcasm); so you want to buy into and support the currently overpriced GPU market with the purchase of future E-waste, game on said old GPU for a year, then spend even more money on another GPU. The money wasted is better spent on other parts of your PC or saved when the time comes to buy the desired GPU.
  • BushLin - Thursday, April 1, 2021 - link

    There are way better options than a RX 550 like a GTX 960 or whatever you can scavenge; I used an extreme example to demonstrate just how bad the iGPU option is that you're championing if you have any intention of gaming
    Only talked about performance (or lack of) so far, there's also the issue of drivers: AMD GPU drivers are bad enough for me to pay a premium for Nvidia but Intel's iGPU drivers are even worse for gaming. Intel drivers are usually well developed but the iGPU drivers are an afterthought beyond basic functionality. Perhaps this will change on future products.
  • vanish1 - Friday, April 2, 2021 - link

    You continue to miss the point. PC gaming has become an expensive hobby only saved for those willing to pay the premium for a dGPU or with skin in the game already (which the latter are a different group than my original point, this is about PEOPLE BUILDING A NEW PC RIGHT NOW). Smart money puts that elsewhere, on a better CPU, mobo, case, etc., picks up another hobby in the meantime, then invests in a GPU when the appropriate time comes. Dumb money wastes their cash and time on old E-waste GPUs because they have nothing better to do. 11600k + $100-$200 extra dollars to play with, yes please.
  • Qasar - Friday, April 2, 2021 - link

    " PC gaming has become an expensive hobby only saved for those willing to pay the premium for a dGPU " if that is your view, then im sure sony or microsoft have a product that fits your price point.
    " Smart money puts that elsewhere, on a better CPU, mobo, case, etc., picks up another hobby in the meantime, then invests in a GPU when the appropriate time comes. " a smarter person would just save ALL of their money, and buy this comp, when all of the prices drop back down to normal levels after all the demand from what is currently going on in the world, settles down. and probably save more then the point you are trying to make. to buy a whole comp, or even parts of one, is not where the " smart money " is, as the whole industry is seeing inflated prices cause of whats going on in the world with covid19.
    i would love to see you play a modern recent game, on that OH so powerful iGPU, on anything greater then 720p with the graphics option set to any thing other then mid range or lower
    " 11600k + $100-$200 extra dollars to play with, yes please. " more like 5600X + practically any vid card thats $100 or less, and being able to play games at more then 720P at medium or less, graphics settings :-)
  • vanish1 - Friday, April 2, 2021 - link

    Are you seriously an idiot? Im asking in all honesty. Because you keep moving the goal posts to keep fluffing your argument that holds no water.

    Consoles? Were talking about PCs, nice try though. Let me know when I can shove an Xbox into a mobo as a permanent GPU, otherwise youre just wasting more money kicking the can down the road.

    You also do realize that GPUs are the only part of the industry thats overpriced? You can literally buy everything else at msrp or less and things like RAM, SSDs are going to be cheaper NOW than a year later.

    I also never said use the iGPU to game, because gaming on a iGPU, basic dGPU, or APU will be a crappy experience on modern titles.

    But see this is where you continue to miss the point, all I said is if you want to BUILD A PC, never once mentioned GAME ON A PC or ALREADY OWN A GPU. You gloss over this every time because it doesnt fit the incorrect narrative youre trying to portray.

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