AMD Opteron

For the majority of the Opterons, we have not seen anything new with the exception of a few processors that either jumped up or down in price. And there is still no sight of the 154, 254, and the 854 processors hitting retail stores just yet.

We noticed a sudden decrease in price of $360 of the Opteron 848 Athens [RTPE: OSA848FAA5BM]. That’s quite a large jump for a processor to go down in one week.

AMD Opteron 848 Athens

While the 848 Athens decreased at such a great amount, the 848 Hammer [RTPE: OSA848CEP5AV] increased by an even greater margin at just about $541.

AMD Opteron 848 Hammer

Moreover, combining the decrease and increase in the 848 Athens and Hammer, the Opteron 150 Hammer has been up and down numerous times over the past few months.

AMD Opteron 150 Hammer

Intel Xeon

Unlike the insane pricing fluctuations that we saw with the Opteron line, the Xeon processors seem to be steady with minor increases and decreases in pricing, nothing significant enough to mention.

Intel Celeron D
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  • PrinceGaz - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    "One of the 64-bit Semprons that caught our attention was the 2800+ Palermo core with 256MB L2 cache"

    A processor with that much cache would catch anyones attention :)
  • cryptonomicon - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    ah beat me to it
  • JarredWalton - Monday, October 31, 2005 - link

    Okay, fixed now - I thought someone had already corrected it. Though, I'd really love such a CPU for that price. :D
  • MikeyJ79 - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    Those 3800+ and 4000+ processors are looking more tempting by the week, though I would probably still get a cheaper model at this point. That socket 754 3700+ at ~$178 looks like an interesting buy for someone already stuck on that socket. Soon there may be the Mobile 4000+ with the Newark core which would be nice for current socket 754 users who are able to use it in their desktops. I doubt the price for it would be all that welcoming, however.
  • coomar - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    the new skt 939 opteron's are creating an insane buzz, the better ones are doing 3.0+ ghz on air
  • kmmatney - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    Has anyone tried a mobile Sempron with 1 MB cache:">

    Looks very interesting....
  • MikeyJ79 - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    I wonder how they got one of those? ....LOL

    To their credit, though, they get the cache spec right further down in the listing. A 1MB L2 cache would mean it's not a Sempron anymore! :P
  • kmmatney - Saturday, October 29, 2005 - link

    I'm reall tempted to get a mobile Athlon 64 - 1 MB cache for around $100. Are there any benchmarks anywhere for the mobile Athlons used in a desktop?

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