Nothing New on the Display Front

The screen on the 1215N is about as mediocre as we remember from the 1201N. It has a similar contrast ratio, though it appears that ASUS is no longer artificially limiting netbooks to 120nits brightness as it did in the past. This is good, as the 120nit cap seemed to only be in place to extend the battery life for users who liked to max out the screen brightness.

Laptop LCD Quality—Contrast

Laptop LCD Quality—White

Laptop LCD Quality—Black

Laptop LCD Quality—Color Accuracy

Laptop LCD Quality—Color Gamut

But this is getting old. Seriously, who do we have to kill to get an ultraportable with a decent screen? Some of the 10” Eee PC netbooks had some good display panels, but other than those and the Macs, I don’t think we’ve recently seen a thin and light notebook with a screen worth talking about. I suppose it’s more acceptable in a $499 unit than any of the more expensive portables, but it’s still disappointing to yet again be focusing on the sheer mediocrity of the display.

And as much as it sounds like I’m calling out ASUS or the 1215N specifically, I’m really not trying to. It’s simply a problem with the entire industry feeling like it can get away with terrible displays on a vast majority of systems, and then actually getting away with it. I don’t often feel this way, but it makes me wish that more companies would do things the Apple way and really commit to having a high quality panel on all of their systems. This is probably the only time I will ever wish that more people would act like Apple, but you get my point.

Looking at Mobility: ASUS Eee PC 1215N Battery Life Conclusion: Decent but Atom Remains Slow
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  • XxCoolHandsxX - Monday, April 11, 2011 - link

    Hey Anand, what are the chances that we could get a sibe by side comparison of the 1215N and the 1215B?? A true apples to apples since the two are outfitted almost identical save for the hard drive capacity as far as I can tell!

    I need to get one of them (1215N/B) for my work truck for invoices and billing. I would love to see the results of benchmarking them! I have always been an Intel and Nvidia fan, but if the AMD E350 will beet the Atom/NG Ion in productivity apps ie: open office/quickbooks/etc.
    I am game to get it!

    Regards, Jim.

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