Is it? It's horribly under powered device running a desktop OS. At no price point would I be interested in this device. If it were running a full release of Windows 8 and managed 8-10 hours of battery life I might be interested.
Good thing it's not aimed at you, it's for businesses that need portability and touchscreen, but also need a desktop OS to run their programs. I have seen home nurses with these type of tablets since the programs they need to use to input information about patients do not run on Android or iOS plus they need other things that will only run on WIndows. Those are the people this is aimed for, not the average user (even though I wouldn't mind having one of these really).
Is this going to be another 2 hour battery life tablet? We'll have to wait till the review come in, but these Windows tablets have had a lot of issues in the past.
Allez voir ce qu'ils ont à dire. ---------- http: // ---------- http: // Italie. Swithland. Habituellement 5-8 jours ouvrables pour la livraison. plus de 500 modèles à la vente Toutes les chaussures sont Livraison gratuite Toutes les chaussures sont de première qualité et très belle. SI vous receve les chaussures, pas satitsfied, s'il vous pla t retourner les chaussures dans les 7 jours. Nous vous rembourserons tout votre argent.
to other windows tablets, like the Acer Iconia W500. very similar beast, have used the W500 and find it quite usable and overall much more useful than any Android or iOS tablet .
We need more windows tablets with foldable docs so they can double as a laptop when ever we want. I dont like docs you need to set into but cannot easily fold up and move around with the device.
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Zoomer - Thursday, October 27, 2011 - link
That's critical.tayb - Friday, October 28, 2011 - link
Is it? It's horribly under powered device running a desktop OS. At no price point would I be interested in this device. If it were running a full release of Windows 8 and managed 8-10 hours of battery life I might be interested.Camikazi - Saturday, October 29, 2011 - link
Good thing it's not aimed at you, it's for businesses that need portability and touchscreen, but also need a desktop OS to run their programs. I have seen home nurses with these type of tablets since the programs they need to use to input information about patients do not run on Android or iOS plus they need other things that will only run on WIndows. Those are the people this is aimed for, not the average user (even though I wouldn't mind having one of these really).The Crying Man - Friday, October 28, 2011 - link
Wouldn't an AMD Fusion chipset have been the better way to go with or is this one of the latest Atoms that perform better?Nihility - Friday, October 28, 2011 - link
Is this going to be another 2 hour battery life tablet?We'll have to wait till the review come in, but these Windows tablets have had a lot of issues in the past.
rddtretff - Friday, October 28, 2011 - link
Voici votre chance de faire les grands males et de profiter de la vie.
montre à chacun comment devenir riche.
Allez voir ce qu'ils ont à dire.
---------- http: //
---------- http: //
Italie. Swithland. Habituellement 5-8 jours ouvrables pour la livraison. plus de 500 modèles à la vente Toutes les chaussures sont Livraison gratuite Toutes les chaussures sont de première qualité et très belle. SI vous receve les chaussures, pas satitsfied, s'il vous pla t retourner les chaussures dans les 7 jours. Nous vous rembourserons tout votre argent.
randomstar - Friday, October 28, 2011 - link
to other windows tablets, like the Acer Iconia W500.very similar beast, have used the W500 and find it quite usable and overall much more useful than any Android or iOS tablet .
PubFiction - Sunday, October 30, 2011 - link
We need more windows tablets with foldable docs so they can double as a laptop when ever we want. I dont like docs you need to set into but cannot easily fold up and move around with the device.zhangqq - Monday, October 31, 2011 - link